OpenRaid (donation)


not available

** This is a donation version of OpenRaid, a free version is available too! OpenRaid is a free website - please consider donating if you like it! **OpenRaid is the biggest and most fun World of Warcraft cross-realm raiding community. We now also support Diablo III, and more games will be added soon!
You need an OpenRaid account for this app. In-app registration is not currently implemented, because you need to add your character on your PC anyway.
This app will allow you to manage your raids. You can sign/unsign for raids, add comments (e.g. notify the raid leader that you'll be late), all on the go. As raidleader, you can also edit the approved list.
This is a beta app, please let us know if you have any issues at all! The art is blue/ styled for Alliance, but a Horde version will be available soon. You can use the app for both Alliance and Horde characters, however.